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- 【Lantern Festival】Happy Lantern Festival to new and old customers[ 2019-02-19 ]
- Eat the Lantern Festival, see the lanterns, have a real Valentine's Day!
- YongHuaChangSheng on work in the Chinese new year of Pig[ 2019-02-19 ]
- Wish the YongHuaChangSheng to be prosperous in the Year of Pig and create brilliance again!
- 永桦锠胜31周年庆典特辑![ 2019-01-04 ]
- 2018年12月31日,是永桦锠胜家居用品有限公司31周年庆典的大好日子。从1987年到2018年,整整31周年了。一路以来是广大新老客户和供货商们的鼎力支持,永桦锠胜才得以发展壮大。就在这2018年的最后一天,我们再一次诚挚地邀请各界好友莅临欢聚一堂,把酒言欢。 愿广大新老客户与永桦锠胜携手共进第32年!
- 【六一儿童节】[ 2018-06-06 ]
- 永桦锠胜祝各位六一儿童节快乐!
- 【新品发布】YS320为榻榻米市场注入一股强劲动力![ 2018-05-26 ]
- 【号外】永桦锠胜家居用品有限公司又有新产品发布!这次是专为榻榻米、镜柜量身定制的支撑件,型号是:YS320。
- 【汶川十周年】回望汶川 十年发展 绽放重生[ 2018-05-12 ]
- 汶川 十周年 回望汶川 十年发展 绽放重生
- 【512国际护士节】白衣天使,今天是你的节日[ 2018-05-12 ]
- 【512国际护士节】白衣天使,今天是你的节日
- 【推广】阻尼支撑的分类[ 2018-05-07 ]
- 阻尼支撑的分类
- New generation of concealed slide grand debut, much smoother, more stable, more durable![ 2016-07-29 ]
- This year,new products of YSWJ really more numerous, surprise wave after wave, in addition to tatami special support, cushioning flap hinges, we also launched a series of concealed slides load up to 35kg. Including:Cabinet basket spe...
- First Delivery Time for Tatami Gas Spring Strut[ 2016-06-07 ]
- It is a good day today for Yongsheng Tatami Gas Spring Strut, when the first large goods is in delivery and on the way to customers’ warehouse.
- Which is the best brand when buying Gas spring strut for Tatami?[ 2016-05-30 ]
- Brand of YSWJ is trustworthy and suitable for your purchase.
- Congratulations on winning the national utility models patent, Damping Support YS319 from Yognsheng’s production[ 2016-05-20 ]
- Damping Support, patent soft lid stay YS319 is also called hydraulic support, while it is more famous for this Chinese name in domestic market, beacause most customers even think that Damping Support is exactly YS319 fr...
- Damping Support, patent soft lid stay YS319[ 2016-05-20 ]
- Congratulations on winning the national utility models patent, Damping Support YS319 from Yognsheng’s production
- Congratulations to YongSheng achieve a complete success in CIFF 2016[ 2016-04-07 ]
7.8 磅
- YSWJ Tandem Box Series --- One space, two kinds of different feelings[ 2016-03-22 ]
- When you are work, pulling out and push in the drawers to look for some documents. YSWJ Tandem Box Series has damping mute slide rail, it could eliminate the noise. Let you have the best of the mood to start a busy day of work.
- Welcome to the new three hidden drawer slide machine joins Yongsheng[ 2015-11-02 ]
- In mid-May, we have gone through the preparatory transformation from Yongsheng Hardware upgrade YongHuaChangSheng.
- How To Select High-Quality Cabinet Hardware Accessories[ 2015-07-28 ]
- Purchasing the cabinet is very costly when decorating the house. Because you will consider that it won’t change at random. To assume that a high-quality cabinets can be used for 20 years. And in twenty years time, we will be getting old, the needs also will changed...
- How To Renoation The Furniture Cabinets[ 2015-07-23 ]
- Look, here is an old furnishings furniture, lose paint, style unfashionable, cabinet hardware accessories are not stable. What will you do for such furniture? Direct throwing away then to buy a new, in order to avoid violation interior style!