Avoid 8 regrets, perfect the kitchen
Regret 1: refrigerator and cabinet is not in a horizontal line
Comments: when starting designing, what you would consider is to reserve a position for refrigerator, but forgot to measure the width of the refrigerator. So in addition to replace the refrigerator, you can only endure.
Regret 2: reduced internal connectors in the cabinet, artifical countertop is actual.
Comments: separating more layers by adding more internal connectors, space will be virtually increased.
Regret 3: deviation on holes on artifical stone countertop
Comments: counting on yourselves more than trusting the workers even on opening holes.
Regret 4: trouble making if installation of cabinet is ahead installation of kitchen ventilator.
Comments: it is better to install cabinets and kitchen ventilator. To measure their size and multi-reference others experiences.
Regret 5: Edge line for cabinet is too expensive.
Comments: to compare the price quoted by different stores when buying edge line for cabinet. There is no possibility to get a good price if you simultaneously buy all materials in one store. Egde line is a very lucrative produce and cheap.
Regret 6: forget to consider the size of tank
Comments: if joist spacing is small, that will cause trouble in buying sink and the size will be limited. Therefore we should consider the joist space which determines the tank size.
Regret 7:operating area layout is unreasonalbe, no place for chopping board
Comments: renovating kitchen must emphasize practicality. Not only arrange rationally the operating area according to operational processes, but also need to adjust the height of countertop, the height of cabinet and the thickness of the light according to specific needs.
Regert 8: use inferior hardware
Comments: hardware used in the cabinet is the most important part in the overall kitche. It is even more significant than cabinet plate and countertop. It directly affects the quality of overall cabinets. Thus you must be willing to spend more money on this part.
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